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Ethereum: Debug log for RPC access log

Posted by name on February 8, 2025

Turning on the debugging journal of access to RPC in Ethereum

As a programmer working with Ethereum, it is necessary to track RPC access diaries (Call Procedure Call) to debug and solve problems on the web. In this article, he will lead you by including the debugging of RPC access in the Bitcoin spinal portfolio.

Why is debugging necessary?

RPC access logs provide valuable information on the interaction with the Ethereum network, including names, callers and parameters. By analyzing these journals, you can identify potential errors, optimize performance and improve the user’s overall experience.

preliminary requirements

Before enabling the debugging of access to the RPC:

  • Make sure the Bitcoin core portfolio is current.

  • Install the “Bitcoind-Cli” command line interface in your system.

Turning on the debugging journal

To enable the debugup journal of access to the RPC, follow the following steps:

Step 1: Create a new file for recording debugging

Create a new file called .Debug-eth-debug.json in the main catalog of the Bitcoin Core installation. This file will store the debugging configuration.



"Rpc_access_logs": {

"Format": "Json",

"Log_file": "/path/to/your/debug/logfile.json"



Replace /path/to/debug/logfile.json to the desired location of the diary file. This will store all RPC access logs in this JSON file.

Step 2: Create a new configuration script

Create a new file called “Debug-Eth-Debug.SHin the". Debug-eth-debug "directory (created by the previous step). This script reads the debug registration configuration and writes it to the diary file.



Set the location of the journal file

Log_file = "/ścieżka/to/your/debug/logfile.json"

Go to JSON configuration

While ifs = "," Read -r Command Caller Params; Down

echo "{

\ "command \": \ "$ Command \",

\ "Celller \": \ "$ caller \",

\ "Params \": [\ "$ params \"] ""

} >> $ log_file

done < /dev /null

echo "$ log_file"> debug.log

Save this script and make it to make it by launching clmod +x Then add the following line to the coating configuration file (e.g. “~/.bashrcor ~/.zshrc) to make a script during startup.


Source ~/

with the help of a debugging diary

After enabling the debugging of access to the RPC:



Bitcoind -Logformat jsonrpcdebug /path/to/your/debug/logfile.json

  • Open the new terminal and run:


Bitcoind --- Logdebug /path/to/your/debug/logfile.json

This will display the debugging diary file, showing all RPC access events with their parameters.

Tips and variants

  • To enable recording of specific commands or RPC interfaces (e.g. “ETHor WSS), add the appropriate flags to the command line argument. For example:


Bitcoind --Logformat jsonrpcdebug -interface wSS Myapp Eth '{"Method": "Getbalance", "Params": []}'

  • To exclude the display of specific diaries, you can use the “-ExCLUDE” flag and then lists of names of logs or paths. For example:




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