Ethereum: Foundry ERC721A NFT MerkleTree Whitelist Mint Test: Prank won’t change the msg.sender? DefaultSender doesn’t change?
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Ethereum: Foundry ERC721A NFT Merkletre Whitelist Mint -Test – The joke doesn’t change the MSG Sender?
As a Solidity Developer, who works in an NFT project based on Ethereum, it is likely that the problem of variable “MSG.senders” will work as expected. In this publication we will examine the error message that causes problems with the Merkletrese test.
The error message:
Error (see how the joke "... CB2" not configured the MSG. station?)
At first glance, it seems to be a simple typographic mistake, but I have with us because this problem can be quite frustrating. In solidity, "MSG.Sender" is used to determine the direction referred to as a function and is often mentioned in contractual interactions.
The joke:
Unfortunately, the joke you mentioned has not really solved the problem with the hex code "... CB2" in order to establish "msg.sender". It seems a cleaning aid or an alternative hackky solution instead of a real solution for your specific problem.
The problem:
If we use "msg.sender" in a NFT white MINT test, the transaction of the transaction is expected. When the joke code is carried out, "Msg.sender" will probably be "0x ...", which points out that nobody recently mentioned your contract.
This can lead to some problems:
- The variable "MSG.Sender" is never updated correctly.
- Other functions or test attempts may not work as expected, as you can expect the sender's right address.
- The state and the behavior of its contract can become unstable or unpredictable if it is based on "MSG.Sender".
to do:
- Clean your code: Remove an indication of hexadecimal codes or cleaning agents in your contract. This ensures that your test environment is more robust and less susceptible to such errors.
- Correctly updatemsg.sender
Instead of using a hexadecimal code, update the variable" msg.sender "to refer to the address of the correct sender.
For example:
Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
Mynft whitelist contract {
Mapping (address => Bool) Public Whitelist;
Mintnft function (_wner) public {
// ...
In this updated version we have eliminated any reference to hex codes and instead use the correctmsg.sender` variable.
When working with NFT white mints with headquarters in Ethereum, it is important to ensure that its code is precise and reliable. According to the best practices for the proof of development and contracts, it can create robust and waiting contracts that correspond to their planned purpose.
I hope this article has contributed to clarifying the problem! If you have more questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask.